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Jacaranda Records launches first exclusive NFT release

[19 Mar 2021]

Jacaranda Records has unveiled the first album ever to be released exclusively on the NFT crypto market.

Launched following several months’ development of an NFT-capable audio process between Jacaranda and technology partners NFTGeeks, The four track ambient album Buchla Thunder Störm by mrmmr breaks new ground as the first ever crypto-only release from an established independent record label. 

Available only via NFT auction at Rarible, the album will never be released on streaming services or physical formats, and is initially available in stereo only. A second deluxe immersive audio version in Dolby Atmos – which will only ever be heard by the composer, mix engineer and eventual buyer – is planned for later this year.

The NFT project is the latest in a long line of innovative projects from the Liverpool-based immersive-first label. In addition to multiple cutting-edge audio trials for major media outlets from NBC Universal to the BBC, the 3D audio specialists became the first UK independent label to sell immersive audio direct to consumers in early 2020.

Results from the NFT launch project will be closely monitored, with the data used as a vehicle to provide Jacaranda artists and independent musicians with a new potential outlet and fresh income streams for their work.

Jacaranda Records’ Capomaestro Ray Mia said: “Although this has been some months in development, the timing for our inaugural NFT release couldn’t be more perfect given the way it has exploded in the public imagination over the last week.

“As part of our mission to create new models, infrastructures and income opportunities for the artists we work with, we are perpetually searching for ways to go where no record label has gone before. The crypto market may be many years away from maturity, but wherever it goes or whatever it becomes, we will be positioned to help artists make the most of the brave new world.

Buchla Thunder Störm, by mrmmr, is available on Rarible. Readers interested in the auction can email

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